Inspiring You With Henri Hebert

Ep 31: Are you in the habit of absorbing other people’s energy?



#31 | August 27, 2021 Are you in the habit of absorbing other people’s energy? Energy is the fundamental source that allows you to move through life and realize your full potential. It operates on several levels, including not just the body but also memory, thoughts, beliefs, and feelings. A well-maintained energy field is an essential aspect of keeping balanced and free from disease. Does being around certain people cause you to feel drained, agitated or confused? If so, it’s possible you’re losing your “energetic boundaries.” Energetic boundaries are subtle, invisible, and profoundly felt. Losing them happens when you merge with other people’s feelings and you lose your sense of self. At some point, we all need to become responsible for our energy fields. So, here are tips on how to let go of the programming of absorbing other’s people’s energy. Remember, humans, it is a process to practice. If you have had the pattern of being a sponge out there in the world, it will take some practice to learn new wa