Inspiring You With Henri Hebert

Ep 28: Do you feel tired? Are you experiencing Social Hangover?



#28 | August 16, 2021 Do you feel tired? Are you experiencing Social Hangover? Often clients come to me with wanting to have their fatigue healed. They feel so tired and depleted. The first step is to figure out what is going on with their energy levels, why the possible energy leak, what is potentially causing the exhaustion and from there do an energy clearing and healing to rejuvenate, replenish and bring the system back into harmony and balance.  Since May I have started to see a trend in some of my sessions. I thought this was an interesting topic to share and can be helpful to you if you are experiencing similar symptoms of fatigue, exhaustion, and depletion. It started with some clients in May who went on vacation with another couple.  My client came back more exhausted than when she left. She said "I am so exhausted". I asked her if she was sleeping. She said, "I am sleeping more than ever. The kids were at camp so I was able to enjoy the time with my partner and the other couple. I did have