Inspiring You With Henri Hebert

Ep 23: Mindful Reiki Loving Kindness Meditation



#23 | August 04, 2021 Mindful Reiki Lovingkindness Meditation Fear arises from a sense of separateness and it releases its grip as we clear separation and fear programs to allow the clarity to perceive our connectedness to our inner authentic self, others and to life. This version of Mindful Reiki Lovingkindness meditation can help you clear, release, call in and develop your capacity to receive love and trust belonging. If you are facing a particularly painful situation in your life, try to contact the underlying fear and feel how that fear is living in your body. Touch the place where it resided in your throat, your chest, your belly. As you do, imagine that the love of the being you have called on is flowing through your hand into your most vulnerable and fearful places. You might hear the sound of this being’s voice speaking words of kindness and reassurance. Take as long as you’d like, letting in the energy of love and opening directly to the sensations and feelings that arise. How does it affect you to