Living Homegrown Podcast With Theresa Loe

LH 54: Food Swap - Bartering With Your Preserves



Ever end up with too much of a good thing?  Too many jars of jam or two many pickles? Every canner has! Well in this episode, you learn how to take those extra preserves and trade them to diversify your panty and your friendships. You see, food swaps are a popular and fun way to meet other artisan food crafters, explore new flavors and make friends at the same time. In this episode, host Theresa Loe interviews Emily Paster - the author of "Food Swap: Specialty Recipes for Bartering, Sharing and Giving". You learn: What a food swap is and how it works, Surprising advantages of trading homemade goods, Food swap etiquette, How to avoid legal issues, What is quince paste and how to use it, How to find a food swap in your area or start your own. As always, there are links and resources at as well as a full transcript of the episode.