Facing The Grey Tide Podcast

Facing The Grey Tide Podcast - Episode 68: Dark Eldar Codex Review and List Building



What is up Everyone? Tonight on the podcast, Evan, Bryan, Ron, and Chandler all come together to talk about Dark Eldar.  The boys are back and run down through the Codex talking about the hard hitters, units and strats they like, and then about building a list of just pure Dark Eldar.  Bryan talks about his list he is toying around with to possible play with and his thoughts on the power of the book.  Evan gives his thoughts about list building, some units he has been thinking about trying in a list, as well as his thoughts on how to tactically play with some of the models.  It is good to be back and the guys are ready.     Get your Eyeliner ready!  No, we aren't going to a Green Day concert, it is Dark Eldar Time! Don't forget to check out our sponsors!   The Renegade Open - Site for all of their tournaments, rules, and event schedules   Dice Head Games and Comics - Official Hobby Supplier of FTGT Painting and FTGT Podcast   Table War Designs - The Only Place for F.A.T. Mats and Macro Mats   FTGT Podcast o