Facing The Grey Tide Podcast

Facing The Grey Tide Podcast - Episode 58: Warzone Prep and Hints with Kelly Wallace



What is up Everyone? Ron, Evan, and Chandler are joined by Kelly Wallace, Field Marshall, of the General Staff to break down Warzone.  With just under two weeks to prepare, Kelly heard our last podcast and decided to join us to break down the missions, talk about the tournament and how they set things up, and bring some good knowledge (seriously, Chandler was taking notes during the podcast at that point [NERD]).  He also talks about some of the ideas for the future, some of the major changes and minor changes made (look at the Facebook and Website for updates), and what to expect for November 10th-12th.  It is a fun entertaining podcast with one of the taller members of General Staff and a guy who with a bunch of friends have made one of the best tournaments in the US.       The Field Marshall commands you to Listen to this Podcast! Don't forget to check out our sponsors!   Warzone Atlanta   Warzone Atlanta Facebook Page   Dice Head Games and Comics - Official Hobby Supplier of FTGT Painting and FTGT Podc