Facing The Grey Tide Podcast

Facing the Grey Tide Podcast - Episode 38: The FAQ Breakdown and Death from the Skies



What is up Everyone? This week on the Podcast, Evan and Chandler are back to talk about the new FAQs from GW and the Death from the Skies supplement. There is a lot of content here, so hang on as we blast through the new and updated rules     Don't forget, we are also on iTunes at Facing the Grey Tide Podcast.  Subscribe, Rate, and Review to help us improve the show.     Please email any and all questions to anyone on the contacts page of the Website and we will get back to you in an email or in the podcast.   Intro and Exit Provided by Donnie Drost, Angry Ophelia's Song featuring Musetta, edited from original version, 2009 Licensed under Creative Commons