Facing The Grey Tide Podcast

Facing the Grey Tide Podcast - Episode 32: Warzone and Blood Angels with TPM



What is up Everyone? This week on the Podcast, Evan and Chandler are happy to sit down and talk with Mr. Paul Murphy on the Eve of the Warzone Atlanta Tournament. We asked Paul to come on to talk about the great sponsors, the amazing prizes, the overall tournament, and also to announce a promotion (look in the show notes below).  We also asked Paul about prepping for tournaments and what he would do not only for the Warzone, but what he would do for any tournament.  Finally we help our buddy Geoff in Toronto with some Blood Angels lists.  I mean, who better to ask about Blood Angels then the Warmaster himself?     TPM shows up again to help us with a little of everything.   Don't forget, we are also on iTunes at Facing the Grey Tide Podcast.  Subscribe, Rate, and Review to help us improve the show.   Don't forget that the Warzone Atlanta is only 1 Week away!   PROMOTION FROM WARZONE ATLANTA If we have 10 more people register by Monday at midnight EST at www.warzoneatlanta.com we will raffle two awesome priz