Nat Chat

25: The End of School and Building a Valuable Skillset with Zak Slayback



“For a lot of jobs, it’s actually a lot easier to get hired, promoted, and to continue growing in that job without the degree than you think it is. You just need to be creative.” In this episode of Nat Chat, I’m joined by Zak Slayback. Zak dropped out of the University of Pennsylvania when he realized that college just wasn’t for him. Since then, he’s worked on business development, published his own book, become the head of publishing for an online publication called The Mission, and much more. He’s had experience going outside of the school system, learning on your own, developing that reputation and that skill set, and getting to work with some really respected people in his field. He’s a perfect example of how you can be successful without necessarily having a college education. We cover a wide range of topics, including: Flaws with receiving degrees and with the education system Getting great apprenticeships Zak’s top book recommendations Using self-education to your advantage Understanding opportunity