Dreamcatchers District Podcast

Ep 034: Travel Tips for Speakers, Retreat Hosts & Digital Nomads with Journalist Jeannette Ceja



Today on the Podcast, Face off with Yourself and Fly. There's that saying, "wherever you go, there you are." And if you've ever thrown your hands up in the air and spontaneously moved across country, quit a job, ended a relationship or swan dived into a last minute Bali Yoga Retreat (ha! I get it!) — you may have learned just how true that statement really is. Turns out? Almost as soon as we get "there" we realize we're still "here." Like trying to shake your own shadow, you may soon realize you're the same person with the same thoughts, feelings, and actions ... only now you're in a new surrounding, or novel experience, which will (of course) soon become normalized again. Maybe even boring. And then what? Do you leave, again? Variety is a Human Need. So is Certainty. Don't get me wrong. Getting away is sometimes just what the doctor ordered. In fact, unique environments with opportunities to make fresh relationships is one of the absolute best catalysts for change!!! Think about why camp was so great as a ch