Dreamcatchers District Podcast

Ep 031: How One Micro-Influencer is Changing the Conversation, guest Happily Hafsa



Today on the Podcast, Why Women Need Women to Check In. Radical honesty hour: When's the last time you asked a woman how she was doing ... AND really asked? You know, as if you truly cared. As if you weren't trying merely to be polite. But as if you truly wanted to know? Not so that you could fix her but so that you could witness: The hurt. The overwhelm. The exhaustion. The pressure. Feelings that, frankly, TOO MANY WOMEN are secretly shouldering day in and day out. And, more importantly, so that you could celebrate: Her business. Her ideas. Her strengths. Her wins every time she's overcome! Was it last week? Last month? Last ________???? And how many of those asks have been solely in the online world? A quickie text you forget to go back and check? A passive DM while you multi-tasked 10 other screens? A lightening-fast comment as you promoted your post? On a scale of 1 -10, how genuinely present were you? How sincerely interested? Better yet, when's the last time YOU (yourself) really answered honestl