Dreamcatchers District Podcast

Ep 030: How Committed Are You? (Test Your Grit in 8 Reflections) with Karen Christensen



Today on the Podcast, How Badly Do You Want It? You know what I'm talking about. That big dream you've been fantasizing about for weeks, months, (dare I say) years? That lifelong vision, which now keeps you up at night but at one time (not so long ago) had you bursting outta-your-body excited and ready to do whatever it took? Yeah, that SCARY goal. The one with more soul, more heart, more truth than anything else — that one! How committed are you?  ... REALLY? When you hit an upper limit? When your desire isn't enough? When you don't feel motivated? When the daily grind has you trudging through the mud? How gritty are you then? How self-aware? How compassionate? How focused? Cuz, while there's huge value in imagining our desires, in designing our ideal business, in identifying our innate strengths, and in staying in our lane (80% of the time) so that we can experience more ease; more fun; more freedom — we will feel brutally mislead if we don't ALSO love, honor, and accept the harder demands of creative entre