Dreamcatchers District Podcast

Ep 029: Pivot Your Business, Uplevel Your Beliefs, Evolve Your Brand with Kay Fabella



Today on the Podcast, Does your life no longer fit? One of the things I see over and over again? When smart, talented, high performing, creative women in their 30's suddenly realize: "Oh, no. I built the wrong castle." Despite having done everything "right," they're left feeling like everything's wrong. And while no one would ever know it — because, heck, they've made the 6 figures and they've built a beautiful brand and they look great online — they're secretly feeling embarrassed and exhausted; wondering ... Where did my energy go? Where did my enthusiasm go? Where did my self-esteem go? Shouldn't I be happy? On the outside everything looks impressive. On the inside? Everything feels off. And even though they've overcome odds before, they've faced failure many times, and they've been no stranger to achievement — this time feels more tender. They're scared. They're worried. And they're afraid to share. After all ... What would people think? Wouldn't that hurt my reputation? Who could I turn to, confidentiall