Dreamcatchers District Podcast

Ep 028: The Simplest (hardest) Practice to Attracting More Abundance with Karen Christensen



Today on the Podcast, Are You Blocking Miracles? If you've been catching yourself feeling judgmental, frustrated, resentful, dissatisfied — like nothing is going right, nothing feels easy, and no one is helping  — than this is the episode for you. WARNING: it may be the exact  opposite  of what you want to hear. It may sound so simple-stupid that you'll want to dismiss it. (I know I've definitely had those moments before; robbing myself of the power of the practice). Here's the invitation: challenge yourself to reallllllly, actually, practice the challenge exercise at the end of the recording. Cuz truth? Every last one of us can use this reminder, now and again. And ESPECIALLY when the ego mind would have us agitated, impatient, and thinking, "That won't help." Fact is: It won't help if you don't do it. Nothing will. Turns out, sometimes, the answers in life aren't complex. They're not heady; not even new. And as much as we'd love to think they are (rationalizing that we need to research something better or l