Dreamcatchers District Podcast

Ep 027: Reframe Your Story & Find the Funny in Fear with Writer Suzanne Keilly



Today on the Podcast, Memo to Your Future Self! We've all heard that saying, "The best time to start was yesterday. The next best time is today." But you know who reallllly feels the weight of that quote? Our future selves. The version of you (and me) who will wake up one year from now; wishing that the YOU of today had ... Just gotten started Just asked for help Just pushed through the fear of "looking dumb" or "doing it wrong" or "missing the boat" because "it's all been done already" and "what would people think?" Your future self who wishes the you of today would have traded all those excuses for resources; all those fears for laughs. And focused more on what you wanted versus what you didn't. Because looking back, we see how capable and deserving we always were. We see how much more time, money, & energy was lost trying to avoid fear than had we simply learned to face it. Fact is? Your future self, just like mine, will have no choice but to look back and realize ... The time passed, anyway. The fear