Dreamcatchers District Podcast

Ep 026: How to Dance with Doubt (3 Types + Practices) with Karen Christensen



Today on the Podcast, When Doubt is Helping or Hurting You. This week we’re talking how to dance with doubt SO THAT you can feel the feelings, love honor and accept where you are, and still turn all that distraction around before self-sabatage sets in and derails your best laid plans. Better yet? We're helping you discern which category of doubt (I believe there are 3) you may be facing off with at any given time. This way you can practice specific responses for each varying type as well as recognize if the hesitation you're feeling is warranting your slowing down OR the monkey brain trying to take you out. Turns out there's a significant difference between when our intuition is nudging, guiding, or leading us in one direction and when our doubt is holding on with iron hands to another direction, fighting for the status quo; desperate to keep us small, sidelined and "safe." And if you’re a fellow women in your 20s, 30s, or 40s ... Struggling to Wonder Woman your way through life as a multi-passionate creative