Dreamcatchers District Podcast

Ep 024: Feeling Lonely & Distracted? Answer These Questions with Karen Christensen



Today on the Podcast, When Your Inner Critic is Loudest This week, we’re talking about a fairly unpopular topic; one I would say is the dirty little secret of online business.   And that is … loneliness … the single emotional state killing your beliefs, body, and business.   Especially for those of you who are Creative Entrepreneurs (like me) working predominantly from home, leading small virtual teams, maybe only in the field with clients on occasion and working mostly over Skype — feeling lonely is no small thing. And it can wreck havoc on your hormones, your focus, your relationships, your time and your money.   So if you’re feeling like a Lone Wolf … Even more, now, the bigger a “success” you become — it makes sense. Know that you’re not alone no matter how alienated or overwhelmed you might feel. But let’s not sugar coat this universal experience nor accept it as the status quo. There’s always a better way. And that better way starts when we’re smart enough to …   Get honest, ask tough questions, and do