Dreamcatchers District Podcast

Ep 023: Truth Telling, Boundaries & Business with Wild Soul Elizabeth DiAlto



Today on the Podcast, Building Trust in Life & Biz You know those women who just tell it like it is? The ones who command attention and respect simply by walking in the room; without ever having to say a word? That's today's guest. As funny as she is fierce, Elizabeth is my favorite kinda woman. Like so many of our Dreamcatchers, this gal is the full expression of what it is to be an integrated right and left brain; masculine and feminine energy; Creative and Entrepreneur; student and teacher. Better yet? She's wildly, unapologetically, so. But that confidence doesn't happen over night ... Not for you. Not for me. Not even for those women whom we so admire and adore. Yes, each of us — in our own time and in our own way — must learn to tell the truth of who we are, what we want, why we started. And to do that? We've got to start by unlearning and un-shaming all that we are not.  This is our moral imperative: to remember to remember. And ... to defy doubt. To get out of our own way. To breakthrough blocks.