Dreamcatchers District Podcast

Ep 021: From Corporate to Creative Entrepreneur with Brand Stylist, Designer, Kristen Poissant



Today on the Podcast, Rebranding: Inside & Out! If you're an ambitious, creative, woman (or feminist bloke) in your 30's — whose done everything "right" only to discover you've built the wrong castle — than this is the episode for you. Maybe this is you ... You're an overachiever whose climbed the corporate ladder in Advertising, Entertainment, or Tech. (Maybe you still are ... and you're questioning why). And you HAD IT with ... Working too many hours, with too many on-call days, too many pressures, and too many jerk-o's. Why? Cuz YOU'RE DONE never actually being able to ENJOY any of those swanky salaries, or sweet company perks, because you're forever chasing inbox zero (let alone meet someone, take maternity/paternity leave, or kick that coffee/sugar/carb addiction that's got you fighting headaches, brain fog, weight gain, anxiety and exhaustion on the daily). And maybe, because of all  that, a few years ago you made the tough call to leave that "golden cage" and you started your own creative business.