Dreamcatchers District Podcast

Ep 020: 5 Steps to Beat Overwhelm & Prioritize Goals with Karen Christensen



Today on the Podcast, Giving Your Goals Mental Whitespace + Vision: Today I’m so grateful to be back, coming off our our extended holiday break where we took a hiatus from the poddy-pod and all its corresponding social media rabbit holes. And I cannot TELL YOU  how sweet it feels to feel rested! Refocused and ready to roll! Not gonna lie ... I feel like a million bucks. (More on how I spent my hiatus and my own personal goal, which I'm proudly 4 weeks into achieving, in an upcoming episode). But if hearing me share about feeling rested or proud is leaving anyone uncomfortable, sad, or feeling frustrated — because it's the end of January and you’ve not stuck with your goal or you didn’t even set a goal — I'm here to tell you: we've ALL been there. In fact,  you’re in very good company as some 95% of folks don’t follow through on their resolutions. Even more? Never even set one. While there’s a whole slew of reasons (inner blocks, outer influences, emotional drivers, and the 10 Follow Through predictors), today