Dreamcatchers District Podcast

Ep 018: Getting to the Root with Naturopathic Doctor Emily FitzGerald



Today on the Podcast, Getting to the Root: My mama likes to joke that of all her three children, I was the one who couldn't stop asking questions. She'd answer one and I'd roll right in with another ... and another ... and another. "But, why? What then? How come? Who, mama? Where? When?" On and on it would go. Gotta love kids! Turns out that curiosity would serve me well later on in life, although my husband would tell you our first date (thanks to Match.com, believe it or not) was like an inquisition. So, there's that. Every strength has its weakness, but, I digress ... Keep Asking Questions: If you're anything like me and you're also hungry to understand why, to see the big picture, to discover how it's all interconnected than you, too, may hit up against some real edges sitting in an overworked hospital where (too often, not always) the focus is on numbing the symptoms versus treating the cause and you're out the door in 15minutes flat. Which is why I've relished the times I've gotten to connect with welln