Dreamcatchers District Podcast

Ep 017: How Successful Creative Entrepreneurs Plan for Failure with Karen Christensen



Today on the Podcast, Celebrating Failure: Sounds crazy, right? Who could possibly see failure as something to toast? Let alone something to plan for? Well, saavvy and successful creative entrepreneurs — that's who. Those folks who, believe it or not, experience more satisfaction and more support when they fail than when they don't. Not because they love being embarrassed or because they're beseeching sympathy, but because they know the only feeling worse than failing ... is regret. Everything is Temporary: Actually, that's not true. There's one thing that's pretty dang permanent. And that is your legacy. The life you leave behind. The experiences, the memories, the relationships. The risks you were willing to take; the lessons you were ready to learn. But, for many, the fear of failure casts an amnesia over all of that sobering reality. We get so fixated in the moment on what could go wrong, or how bad we'll look, that we (paradoxically) begin to delude ourselves into thinking we're invincible. That we've go