Dreamcatchers District Podcast

Ep 016: Find Your Purpose and Build Momentum with Karen Christensen



Today on the Podcast, Momentum over Modules: Let's talk momentum. How do we build it and how do we keep it when the going gets tough? Last week, here in the U.S., many of us celebrated with families and friends; kicking off the holiday season. The hubs and I hosted our annual Friendsgiving in Venice Beach, we volunteered in our local community, caught up with loved ones, and headed to the mountains for an adorably kitchy Apple Butter Festival. Experiences Matter: And we did my favorite thing, which is the same reflection and visioning exercise I teach coaching clients over planning retreats. We popped champagne, got massages, gave thanks and celebrated next goals; it was a memorable and meaningful shared experience. And it's left us feeling restored and ready to dive back into our creative projects. But, for many, the week after a holiday can feel much more complex. So if you find yourself, this week, feeling "behind" with your marketing efforts or overwhelmed by how to achieve your 2018 goals — know you're n