Dreamcatchers District Podcast

Ep 014: Styling Life and Business with Marie Forleo's Stylist Elsa Isaac



Today on the Podcast, Guest Elsa Isaac: If you've ever achieved the very thing you said you "wanted" — only to feel like you didn't belong —  than this is the episode for you. Before you abandon ship or change industries all together ... listen to this episode. The Power's in the Pivot: So often, when we feel disconnected or drained, we think we need to completely change careers. Run away. Close up shop. I remember a coaching client saying recently, "I have this habit of wanting to blow my life up every time I feel this restless feeling. I love what I do. AND I hate what I do." In truth, through working together, she realized she didn't crave a new career. She simply no longer wanted to do what she was doing with whom she'd been doing it. Once she shifted her focus, to be more aligned with her values and her vision, the work became fresh again. She found herself in the right place, at the right time, with the right people. No more swimming upstream. Our Passion's in our People: Life is not just about creating