Dreamcatchers District Podcast

Ep 013: Digital Detoxing + 5 Best Practices with Karen Christensen



Today on the Podcast: A Peek into How I Got My Time Back in 2017 If you’ve ever struggled with feeling drained, or maybe even defeated, by all the digital rabbit holes (Facebook and Twitter and Instagram and Pinterest and List Building and Sales Funnels and the million other Digital Marketing Strategies that you and I “should” be doing), then this is the episode for us both. Let's talk about something that’s been coming up within the Dreamcatchers District community over coaching, I’ve even seen it online over Instagram and definitely with my own colleagues, clients, and friends. And that is this feeling of bombardment; this craving for less. Less consumption, less distraction, less competition.   The Question We Gotta Ask Ourselves ... A few weeks ago, over Instagram, I posted some questions. I asked, "What's the #1 thing on your 'Stop Doing' list?" And, wouldn’t you know, nearly across the board, folks said some version of these two sentiments. They either said: 1) “I need to stop comparing myself” or 2) "I