Dreamcatchers District Podcast

Ep 012: Discovering Who You Are with Creative Biz Rebellion Caroline Hull



Today on the Podcast, Guest Caroline Hull: If you've ever been guilty of doing #AllTheThings than you know what it's like to be running on empty. Maybe you find yourself taking on too many projects, doing tasks you have zero skill or interest in, and chasing goals that aren't actually aligned with your values or longterm vision. But, like too many, you pound more coffee and pull more late nights. Why? Because you're a hard worker; maybe even a "helper."  You want the best for everyone and you have a hard time saying, "No." Still, deep down, something's screaming at you: "STOP this train! I want to get off."  The workload isn't sustainable; the lifestyle isn't satisfying; the support isn't there. You think, "What am I doing wrong?" Beat Burnout Before Burnout Beats YOU: You, me, WE can all get overloaded at times. Especially in those first 1-3 years of creative entrepreneurship where there's not, yet, enough cashflow or hands on deck to do all the jobs. Once the excitement and novelty of "launching" wears off,