Dreamcatchers District Podcast

Ep 011: Choose the Right Projects & Know You're Enough with Alison Haislip



Today on the Podcast, Guest Alison Haislip: If you're anything like most high achieving, ambitious, creative folk — than, no matter how much external "success" you acquire, you may be carrying around an invisible backpack of self-doubt. Your mind, at times, may be plagued with questions like, "Am I on the right path?" or "What will people think?" or "Can I even do it?" The fears can be so convincing that our bodies, our spirits, take a serious hit. You feel exhausted, worried about the future or ruminating over the past, and (unintentionally) you miss the only thing that was ever real: today. So you hustle, you push, you DO DO DO and you GO GO GO to escape that feeling. And, in many ways, that strategy has worked. You've gotten the competitive edge. But here's what I want you to know: "success" is not the end game; satisfaction is. How you play — matters. Consider this a Sign: Are you debating what projects or joint creative ventures to say "yes" or "no" to? Is your self-worth hanging onto every "like" on soc