Dreamcatchers District Podcast

Ep 008: How To Take Nothing Personally & Live For Today with Alex Albrecht



Today on the Podcast, Guest Alex Albrecht: If you're anything like most creative entrepreneurs (or living and breathing humans) than you may have, at one time or another, held yourself back; too scared to "put yourself out there." Despite all of your talents and gifts, needs and desires, capabilities and smarts — you may have been playing it "safe" for fear of what others might think or say. And in this internet age, honestly, it's understandable. But, as coaching clients will tell you and what we say here all the time, "just because it's understandable doesn't mean it's useful." Stop Being a Thief: See, the challenge with indulging these types of universal and understandable fears? It robs you of all the joy you were born to experience; it robs us of all the creations you were born to express. But worse? It robs everyone of all the connection we were each born to share. And it's that loneliness behind the screen, that disconnection, that causes so much compare-despair and "scroll suffering" like we talked on