Dreamcatchers District Podcast

Ep 005: Chance Conversations & Creative Chops with HBO’s GIRLS Writer Producer Sarah Heyward



Today on the Podcast: Sarah Heyward. If you've ever had an unexpected chance conversation, which truly changed the trajectory of your life and career (maybe you fell upon a creative project or a new community or a business mentor, agent, or coach), then you know it wasn't simply about being in the right place at the right time. Yes, there may have been some initial serendipity that fell in your favor. But for you to have experienced sustained success and satisfaction? A true transformation? Where your present and future look and feel nothing like your past? That was ... Luck Meets Preparation: And this, my friends, is what inner and outer Creative Direction is all about — both for your beliefs and your creative business or brand. Because here's the truth: Every one of us has experienced some stroke of luck (or grace) at one time or another. However big or small, there's not a person on the planet who hasn't had some moment of blessed happenstance. The question is not, "Why doesn't that kind of synchronicity