Universal Family




Liberation. Some people hear this word and think of social, economic, and political difficulties that need to be worked out in order for the planet to be reorganized. But within those difficulties there are spiritual difficulties; and if these are handled well, then we will be transformed in our ability to confront the social, economic, and political difficulties. Spiritual difficulties may be inner resistance to the new life in God--anxieties, addictions, getting caught up in the self-centered and materialistic craziness about money, power, and sex. They may also involve our being overwhelmed by external obstacles over which we may have very little control, for example, a physical condition, for example.  In order to break through into the new life with God, we need spiritual force. Where shall we get that? Two ways. One way is to realize that as children of God our gift of faith comes with power to overcome all kinds of obstacles--so we simply need to use what we have. The other way is to do like the girl n