Sydney Ideas

Sydney Ideas in India: Re-imagining the future – together



Australia and India have much to learn from each other, because while our economies are quite different, we face similar problems, particularly around energy and the future direction of our cities. Hear from three of the University of Sydney’s leading researchers from Business, Urban Studies and Chemistry. Professor John Shields from the Business School suggests a need to rethink the nature of leadership and asks, what can we learn from Mahatma Gandhi in this regard? Dr Tooran Alizadeh, whose research around smart cities is based in India, asks what is that we want from our cities, in an age of rapidly evolving technology? Dr Girish Lakhwani will draw on his research in energy to explore the parallels and complementary differences between the Indian and Australian experience. Tania Rhodes-Taylor, Vice-Principal (External Relations)at the University, chaired this event, with closing remarks by Vice-Chancellor Dr Michael Spence AC. This event was recorded on Friday 22 November, 2019 in New Delhi.