Birds In A Tree

Bobbie - "Daughters Look Up To Mothers...I Didn't Want My Daughter To Grow Up Thinking That It Was Okay For A Man To Yell At Her Or Call Her Names"



Bobbie is the mother of two children. Bobbie was raised in a rural area, and the prevailing thought in her family was that women should marry and not continue an education. However, her mother always wanted Bobbie to further her education and be able to provide for herself; something her mother was not allowed to do. Bobbie was able to complete her undergraduate and masters degrees and now works as a teacher. She was able to use her mothers guidance and advice when she decided to walk away from an abusive relationship, and she built her life back up on her own terms as a result of her independence. She knew that she needed to leave the relationship because, like her mother, Bobbie knew that she wanted her daughter to know her own value and place in the world.