Birds In A Tree

Karlo - "I Can't Imagine What It's Like To Build A Future Without Family"



Karlo is a successful photographer who built his business from the ground up, becoming a premiere wedding and commercial photographer in the Mid-Atlantic region. While he built his business, he met and married the love of his life, Amanda. Amanda had a young daughter when the two met, and Karlo worked hard to blend the family and put the well-being of their daughter first. He knew how successful co-parenting should work because he was the product of a blended family and a step-father who understood the importance of family. In this episode, Karlo talks about how the three parents worked their way into successful co-parenting, starting a business and following your dream, and when it's time to change your life in order to have more time with the most important people: family. Between taping this episode and the release, Karlo's beloved step-father unexpectedly passed away. This show is dedicated to him, Captain Michael P. Goodfellow.