Birds In A Tree

Jen - "If A Cop & A Teacher Can't Afford To Have A Disabled Child, Our Priorities Are Wrong"



SPECIAL EPISODE. Today's show features Jen, a mother who has a disabled son. Her and her husband found out during her mid-pregnancy ultrasound that their son would have major facial deformities, and after consulting experts in the field, had James at a facility three hours from their home to ensure he would live. James has to be hooked up to a ventilator every night in order for him to breathe. It is lifesaving equipment, and it is expensive. James is a "lifetime limit" baby. He hit the million dollar mark - the lifetime cap the insurance companies had in place before the ACA - when he was fourteen days old. If you like Affordable Care Act, please listen. If you do not like the Affordable Care Act, please listen. If you are pro-life or pro-choice or Republican or Democrat or Independent, please listen. And please share. Her story is important. Her son's life depends on the A.C.A.