Ninja Jill Knows

Episode 57: Make TODAY count



In Episode 57: Make TODAY count, I dive into: The importance of how you show up daily and why that is really all you have. It's key to have a plan and go after what you truly want but you have to make each day count on the way towards that goal.  The glory resides in your daily actions, not in reaching the pinnacle. Happiness doesn't reside there, it resides where you are right now.  How you can make today count? Serving others, adding value and making other people's lives better by living your best life.    Listen to the latest Ninja Jill KNOWS episode on iTunes here. RESOURCES If you are ready to LIVE the LIFE you TRULY WANT, knowing and understanding your PURPOSE helps you to do just that. CLICK HERE to take assess if you are living based on your purpose daily! Episode: Knowing your Purpose Impacts the's how Episode: Is it time for you to find a way?  Join me on my FB page for DAILY posts and videos on strategic and energetic techniques to start LIVING the LIFE you TRULY WANT. Be sure to li