Sex Nerd Sandra

Sex Geek Bus



  CROWDSOURCING LOVE & SEX! Coming back from Reid Mihalko's Sex Geek Summer Camp, Sandra asks fellow campers about how to find love, how to get laid and other tidbits. TOPICS: Creating a relationship that befits you, Finding compatibility, Being aggressively yourself, Filtering people, Setting expectations, Loving yourself first, Don't underestimate yourself or others, Reflecting on self-treatment, Fill your cup first, Loving from a strong place, Diability and the right to sex, Asking for assistance, Be interested not interesting, Eye contact, Find people who like sex the way you do, Make yourself comfortable, Rejection, List your accomplishments, Fill yourself up before someone else does, Let them discover you, Butter churn, Care & Feeding manual, Smiling, Breathing and Laughter, Making noise, Know how much you can give to yourself and remember folks, the vagina can take a lot of pressure. Thanks to everyone who shared!