Sex Nerd Sandra

Picking Your Partner with Elle Chase and Kate Loree, LMFT



LOVE AT FIRST SITE & THE SPEED OF ATTRACTION! Sandra searches for the facts on how to choose someone who is right for you. Sex educator Elle Chase shares her current dilemma, while therapist Kate Loree throws down some knowledge on what the person you fall in love with says about YOU! TOPICS: Ego, Ignoring Your Instincts, Life Experience, Storytelling, Dating Site Fails, Young Guys, Courting Process, The List, Valid Feelings, New Relationship Energy, Neurochemicals, Imago Therapy, Falling in Love, Corrective Experience, Emotional IQ, Breakup Pain, The Known vs Unknown, Exhilaration and Finding a Growth-Oriented Partner. P.S. DON'T DATE WHEN YOU'RE LONELY!