Sex Nerd Sandra

Tantric Sex



ENERGY ORGASMS! Barbara Carrellas is a sex educator, workshop facilitator, sex/life coach, and motivational speaker who delights in blurring the lines between sacred and profane. She is the author of "Urban Tantra: Sacred Sex for the Twenty First Century." TOPICS: Sexual Expansionist, AIDS Crisis, Time Machine Sex, Drug Fueled Dance Clubs, Tantra as Safe Sex, Narnia, Ecstatic Orgasm, Tantra vs Tantric Sex, The Great Big Good, Catholic Backgrounds, Sexy Breathe, Quickie Tantra Tips, BDSM, Sacred Sex, Conscious Sexuality, Hand & Pinky Exercise, Cultural Appropriation, Ghosts, Fakir, New Possibilities, Staying Present, Fantasy and knowing there's more if you want it!