Twitterfear Dot Ie

TWITTERFEAR dot IE TWIT 004 Eternal Copyright davyferguson and WeirdAudioProductions



TWIT 004 (Ep.04) of The all new Irish Psychedelic Sci-Fi and Surreal audio adventures of Captain Spud and his companion the silicon-based-lifeform- Ziggie- the CPU spider in a cosmic bubble. As they tangle with the invading Android lifeforms from the eleventh Universe of Existence. "Within U- Without U." It has been six months since you smelly carbon-based Lifeforms had a chance to listen to the last twit of The long temporal gap was due to the WRITER getting kicked in the nuts by a reality boot. Our WRITER lost his wife when an automatic Airlock door accidentally opened- expelling his Mrs into the vacuum of Space whilst she was diligently vacuuming the aforesaid Airlock with her Henry Hoover. Bereft at the loss of the Henry Hoover our WRITER went into a creative decline until the CEO of WeirdAudioProductions generously purchased for the WRITER a brand new VAX Air Stretch- and what a sucker that machine is! The Stretch component means that all airlocks can be cleaned without