Insights With Trent Munday

Your Hourly Rate Only Matters If You're Busy #937



If you're in the business of selling your time and expertise then you generally look at revenue opportunities through the lens of your Hourly/Daily Rate. That makes perfect sense...if you're busy. But if you're's pretty irrelevant. Trust me. I know. I'm currently narrating an audiobook, for which I'm getting paid $100 per Finished Hour Of Audio.  Sounds like good money, right? $100 per hour. What if I told you it takes me 4 hrs to create 1 hour of Finished Audio? Now, my effective hourly rate is just $25 per hour. I was getting more than that working as a casual bellman in a hotel 30 years ago. So if I was busy doing other stuff, this hourly rate isn't a good time/money trade off. However, if I was just going to be sitting on the couch anyway, this hourly rate is a great deal. #timeismoney #hourlyrate #valueyourself