Insights With Trent Munday

Why Aren't We Talking More About Voice Post COVID-19? #915



Over the years, I've spoken a lot about how Voice could very likely become the User Interface of the Future. You only had to look at the boom in smart speakers and voice-connected everything to understand that. So when I first realised that close contact and touch was going to be the enemy in the post COVID-19 world, I figured this would be the real watershed moment for Voice. But so far, it hasn't happened. Why? According to world-renowned Voice expert Brian Roemmele, there are two reasons.. 1. We've reached the edge of the Voice technology. 2. Innovation in Voice (as with many things) has stalled due to the global lockdowns. Interestingly, Brian thinks this crisis may actually prove to be a setback for Voice, rather than a springboard. I hope not. Check out Brian Roemmele on Twitter - #voicetechnology #voiceinterface #voice