Insights With Trent Munday

Don't Underestimate The Youth's Desire For Speed #891



It seems like all the world can talk about right now, in the midst of this COVID-19 pandemic, is the need for the world to slow down.  This is the wake up call we needed to give the planet and ourselves a time out. However, as my dear friend Annie Devine pointed out, that's easy enough for us oldies to get our heads around, but what about our kids? Our kids have never known a slow world. They have not known a world without the internet. They only know how to live in a connected world. So whilst I still like the idea of slowing down, it may not be up to me. If it's left to our kid's generation, are they really likely to take a slow and steady approach to the future? Somehow, I don't think so. #bravenewworld #postcovid19 #newnormal