Insights With Trent Munday

This Too Will Pass...But The World Will Not Be The Same #849



There's lots of positive messages flying around at this time of global crisis, which is great. One the popular ones is the phrase...'This Too Shall Pass'. And it probably will. BUT...the world will not be the same after this. And I genuinely believe that most people are underestimating just how much things will change. It's time now for all of us to re-think our businesses and our lives. Will your current business model still work in the New World? What about in your personal life? How will your priorities change?   SPONSOR: Special shout out to Julie Bach and the Wellness for Cancer organisation. With Spa & Wellness professionals all around the world sitting around waiting for the world to re-boot, maybe now would be a great time to become just a little more cancer-aware. Check our the link below to find about more about the Cancer Aware Foundations course they're running. #rethink #reboot #newworldorder