Insights With Trent Munday

Your USP Can Be And Should Be Variable #793



Your USP (Unique Selling Proposition) does not have to be static. It CAN and probably SHOULD change and adapt, based on what's happening in your market at any given time. A few years ago, I wrote about how promoting the fact that your Spa is clean and hygienic is probably a wasted effort Why? Because basic hygiene is pretty much table stakes in the Spa business. Customer will just expect and assume that you are. Hygiene in Spas will not be a USP...UNLESS THERE'S SO BIG INFECTIOUS DISEASE OUTBREAK! And what is happening now? A big outbreak. So, if you're in Spas, Hotels, Airlines, etc start thinking about making hygiene your least for while. Here's that article I wrote... #hotels #spas #USP #branding #coronavirus