Insights With Trent Munday

The Power of Simultaneous Audacity And Empathy #761



In this, the final episode of Trent365 for 2019, I wanted to leave you with a Gary-ism. Or is it a Vayner-ism? A Word of Wisdom from Gary Vaynerchuck. To achieve success, Audacity is important. You need to dare to dream and dream big. You must have those big, hairy, audacious goals. However, without genuine Empathy, chances are, you will never reach the heights of success in life that strive for. Understand that people don't really care about you and your thing. They care about themselves and their thing. And so they should. The ability to simultaneously hold onto Empathy and Audaciousness...that's the unlock. #empathy #audaciousness #keytosuccess