Insights With Trent Munday

Embrace Your Routine, Save Time And Get Smarter #733



Oftentimes we look at Routines and Habits as a negative thing. If we stick to our same Routines and continue with the same Habits, we get stuck in a rut. But the great thing about following Routines & Habits is that it allows you to flick into cruise control.  Our internal automatic pilot takes over and we don't need to really think about what we're doing. And right there, right at that point where we don't need to think about it, we have the chance to focus on other thoughts. This is a great opportunity for us to learn new things and explore new ideas. To innovate. To create. So embrace your Routines & Habits - and use your newly found Think Time wisely.   #thinking #routines #habits #freetime #innovate #