Insights With Trent Munday

3 Things I Learned About CBD This Week #686



CBD is all the rage in Wellness circles right now. Indeed, it was a topic discussed this week at the Global Wellness Summit in Singapore. Here's a few things I didn't know... 1. There's no evidence that too much topical application of CBD oil (ie: when you are a therapist performing multiple massages per day using CBD oil) has any side effects. - BUT...the same was said about Essential Oils 20 years ago too. So Best Practice would be to limit the number of treatments any one therapist does using CBD oil.   2. 3% of any CBD ingested is converted by your body into THC (ie: the 'bad bit' of the Cannabis plant)   3. As the CBD market continues to grow rapidly, Branded CBD will become important. #cbd #cbdproducts #gws2019 #wellness