Executive Commute With Jayson Krause

#30: Mary Tidlund - Risk, Recovery & Reinvention, Part 3



Trust starts by trusting yourself. Mary explains why it is important for leaders to embrace their journey to see how they got where they’re and build the confidence to move forward. The way you can trust yourself is by taking small risks and embracing feedback mechanisms as you become stronger. Mary explained how you can identify your fears and how you hit them head-on. Mary shared how she and her business partners fostered an entrepreneurial spirit by deciding what their values and risk levels were to be innovative. We all love routine, but trying new things and associating with different people will help you build diversity. She believes it is by relating with innovative people and reading that you explore how to be innovative and identify if it’s what you want or not. She defined purposeful leadership as the ability to help and support others to become leaders. She shared her hopes for the future as being able to lead her life with joy. COVID-19 is shaking the world, and it is in this situation that people