Graduate Job Podcast

#63 - Why you should get a job search mentor, with Sarah Stimson



In episode 63 of the Graduate Job Podcast I explore why you, yes you dear listener should get a mentor to help you as you look for a graduate job. We explore what exactly a mentor is and what they do. We discuss why they are so useful in helping you look for a graduate job, top tips for how you can find a mentor, and what exactly to say to them when you ask so that they say yes. We also delve into brilliant advice on how to set the relationship up at the beginning so that you both get something out of it. Now, if you’re listening to this thinking a mentor sounds a bit pretentious or too much like hard work, I can understand where you’re coming from, and after university I would have agreed, but…..stick with it, have a listen, because if you follow the advice in this episode and get a mentor, I guarantee it will improve your employability….guarantee it, or your money back…on this free podcast. As always, all links to everything we discuss today with links and full transcripts are available right this very mome