Graduate Job Podcast

#62: How to apply for a graduate job in a different country



In episode 62 of the Graduate Job Podcast I explore how to apply for a graduate job in a different country. In response to a reader question asking how to apply for a graduate job in the UK from Canada, I take you step by step through everything you need to know. We delve into different job search strategies, and whether it is better to start applying before you leave, or if you should just turn up and hit the job hunt when you get there. I take you through top tips with respect to UK visas, how to network successfully from abroad and why recruitment agencies could be your new best friend. We cover great tricks to make sure that you can build your network from your home country using LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook. If you have ever thought about getting a graduate job in a foreign country, this is an episode which you won’t want to miss. As always, all links to everything we discuss today with links and full transcripts are available right this very moment in the show notes at